18 January 2019

Hello and thank you for taking a little time out of your busy day to read our very first Chaplaincy blog! Many of you have probably stumbled across the Chaplaincy department at some point, in one way or another, but for those of you who might not be as familiar with who we are and what we do, please allow me to give a brief introduction.

Who are we? 

Jez Du Puy was the first Chaplain to join YMCA Bournemouth and has been faithfully serving in post since 2015. My name is Ryan Anscombe, and I joined the team in January 2018. We both studied Applied Theology (Youth & Community Work) at Moorlands Bible College in Christchurch, and are extremely passionate about people.

What’s chaplaincy for?

As Christians our ultimate goal is to do as Jesus did: show unconditional love and care towards others. The Chaplaincy team exists to provide spiritual, practical and moral support and/or encouragement to both employees and clients throughout the whole of YMCA Bournemouth. In other words, we are here for you, in whatever way you might need or like us to be.

Why a blog?

Over the last few months we have been thinking and praying about how we could extend our reach to offer more encouragement and support throughout the organisation, especially to those of you that we might not get to see as much as we would like, which has led to this decision to start a bi-weekly blog. Our prayer is that God would use this as a way to speak into your life. We believe he knows and loves you all, and we’re excited to see what he might prompt us to share that is intended for you.

We are excited for this opportunity to share with you, and look forward to getting you know you all more this year.

